Supporting You Through The Fertility Journey

Infertility is a challenge that many couples face. While the causes of infertility are overwhelmingly physiological, the resulting heartache — often exacerbated by the physical and emotional rigors of infertility treatment — may exact a huge psychological toll. We recognise how important it is to have professional, efficient and compassionate care throughout this challenging journey. We aim to make the process as easy to understand and follow as possible.

Dr Mooring can assist with many different treatment styles including:

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

IVF is a process where oocytes and sperm fertilise outside the body the body to make embryos that are then transferred back to the female.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

This is a procedure where the sperm is centrifuged and washed to remove debris and prostaglandins. The sperm is then drawn up into a syringe that is then transferred into the uterus via a small catheter. To have this procedure you will need to be able to tolerate vaginal examination with speculums. There may be some uterine cramping when the catheter is placed into the uterus.

Ovulation Induction

Is often prescribed if you are not ovulating. However, sometimes it may be offered as an initial treatment prior to moving onto more involved treatment such as IVF.